
When you visit our website, we store small data files called “cookies” on your device. A cookie is a small file containing text and numbers sent and stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer or another device. Some cookies allow us to link your activities while browsing our site from the moment you open your browser window until you close it. As soon as you quit your browser, these cookies are deleted. Other cookies remain on your device for a set period of time and are retrieved each time you visit the website that created the particular cookie. Our website also uses pixel tags (or web beacons), which are clear image files that have a similar function to cookies. Unlike cookies that are stored on your hard drive, pixel tags are an integral part of the website (for convenience all technologies used hereafter will be referred to as “cookies”). We not only store cookies on your device but we also process the cookie data that our website stores. Again, hereafter both terms referred to as “store”. stores certain cookies on your device. These cookies help us:

  • improve your browsing experience! They let us see how you navigate between different pages on our site, whether you’re a repeat visitor and they remember your preferences and settings. For instance, these cookies help to remember the contents of your shopping basket or your login details, so you don’t have to re-enter emails and passwords from the same device each time you visit our website. At times, our site offers number of display versions, and with the use of these cookies we can tailor the pages displayed to your needs;
  • log your consent to our use of cookies, outlined herein, and also log any further information you may have provided us with, such as your willingness to take part in a survey;
  • keep your account secure. For example, these cookies help us see whether someone has misused your connection to our site and is not in your place;
  • log, troubleshoot and fix any problems on our website (e.g. system crashes).

These are strictly necessary cookies and are essential to navigate around our site and to use all its features. If you choose to block these cookies, some features of our website may not work as intended and we may not be able to provide you with all our products and services.

Other cookies that we store on your device:

  • Site-specific/ cookies help:
    • track the number of visitors to our site, the pages most visited (for statistical purposes) and to measure ad performance;
    • show you different web versions, e.g. when testing new features;
    • customize the most relevant site content for you by displaying products you’ve viewed previously or to show you other relevant offers.
  • Third-party cookies with access to help:
    • collect data about your browsing behaviour on our site and the other web pages you visit;
    • display personalised offers and targeted ads within advertising networks from other sites;
    • connect with social media, such as Facebook, including automated login, provide features such as the “like” button and to display personalized and targeted advertising on social media and other websites.

You are free to refuse these cookies when visiting

It’s not just the cookies that help us understand our users better. We gather other important information, such as:

  • the IP address of the device you are using, i.e. the address that allows one connected computer (or other device) to communicate with another device over the Internet;
  • the MAC address of your device, i.e. the address of a device that allows one to communicate with other devices on a local network;
  • your devices’ operating system, its version and language setting;
  • the browser you use, its version and language setting;
  • the entrance page address (URL address) from which you enter our website.

We collect your behaviour details based on our legitimate interests (i.e. without your consent) for the following purposes:

  • to understand better and offer you an improved website and more personalised functions in the future. It is in our legitimate interest to give you the best website experience and better our service;
  • to generate and access statistics related to our website, such as tracking our website traffic, the number of pageviews and monitoring advertising success. Our legitimate interest here is to measure the efficiency of our website and our advertising costs (and for these reasons we may obtain additional data derived from your behaviour details and use them for our statistical purposes);
  • to test new features and apps before launching them to all users, thus reducing the risk of functional issues/misplaced codes or poor customer experience. Again, our legitimate interest here is in creating a seamless website experience;
  • to safeguard against external (cyber) threats to our website and your personal data. It is in our legitimate interest to provide you with a seamless website experience and to protect the security of your data.

For these purposes, we process your personal data for a period of 12 months. You may at any time object to the further processing of your data based on our legitimate interest.

We may also use your behaviour details to better address the needs and wants of our visitors and send them relevant targeted advertising as stated in section B.6.1 Send tailored offers and targeted advertising and share your behaviour details with third-party social and advertising networks as stated in section B.6.2 Disclose details and provide personalised advertising on social media.

If you do not disable these functions in the notification tab and continue to use our website (eg. by clicking on a link, etc.) we will assume that you agree to our collection and use of your personal data as described above.